Offering Short Term Care Insuarnce

Do your clients want to age in place?

Do your clients have a long-term care plan?

I think it is safe to say that most of your clients will not have a long-term care plan in place when they reach Medicare. For most, the premiums start to really rise and become more of a burden than a blessing.

What is their plan to age in place? Do you know?

Many will say “My family/kids/loved ones will take care of me.”

My reply has always been “Do they know that?”

This has caused the rise of the sandwich generation, where you have an adult taking care of their children and their parents (or older loved ones).

Even if your clients don’t purchase a short-term care policy, you have at least brought up the subject of aging in place and give them some ideas to think about and hopefully talk to their loved ones about, which may bring them back to you for a policy!

If they do purchase a short-term care policy, you have given your clients a realistic plan to age in place and not just hope and a prayer.

Listen to episode 70 of the Medicare Marketing and Sales Podcast for more info!


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