Why you are not cross-selling

Notes from episode 87…

If you are offended or taken aback by what I am about to say...then you should really pay attention.  In fact, I hope this upsets you so much that you do something about it. 

You are not cross-selling because your excuses are stronger than your work ethic. 

"But Mike, I am not cross-selling because..."

Insert excuse here.  Yea, that defense you are either yelling at me or thinking to yourself is an excuse.  Now, I am not saying your work ethic is bad, it can just use some improvement.  After all, people with bad work ethics are the ones who don't look to grow, and by listening to podcasts, going to trainings, and watching YouTube videos that are aimed to help you, your work ethic is on the right path.

Don't get me wrong, I am in the same boat as well.  I didn't cross-sell for a long time because I had a lot of, what I thought, were really good justifications (read that as excuses).  Examples:

If the prospect says no they may say no to everything.  Again, unless you are doing a really hard sell, this is 99% not the case.

I don't want to sound like I am pushing product.  No one wants product pushed on them, but they want to know their options. 

I keep forgetting.  You keep giving yourself passes to forget.  If you wanted to change it, you would.  Forgetting at time or two is understandable.  Forgetting every time is intentional. 

Now you can be mad at me, stomp your feet, wag your finger at me, and give me a piece of your mind, but how is that going to change the fact you know you should be doing something and are still not?  Well, at least now you have a scapegoat in your own head. 

Like I said in the beginning, this may make you mad enough to do something about it.  So, prove me wrong and start offering your clients your entire portfolio, or at least the products that address the concerns, and show those excuses who is boss.


How to get some of that Co-op money…